About Us
Bolton Point Child Care Centre is a non profit 42-place long day care centre. We care and educate children from 8 weeks to 6 years of age and operate Monday to Friday 48 weeks of the year Monday to Friday 7:30am – 5:30pm.
Our Centre is Community based and is managed by a Parent Management Committee. All families are welcome to attend these meetings which are held on the second Tuesday of the month from 5:30pm at the centre.
We are a Small Centre within the community and cater for a capacity of 42 Children per day, which ensures your children receive the care and support that we know you appreciate.
The centre is closed for 4 weeks during the Christmas period and also on Public Holidays with fees not being charged during these times.
Meals are supplied and made daily by our cook. The menu meets the requirements of Good for Kids, Good for Life, an initiative of the Hunter New England Health and the menu can be viewed on the notice board. Meals include morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea

Our Story
Bolton Point Child Care Centre has been operating in the local community since 1987.
We pride ourselves on having small groups of children within each room which gives educators the opportunity to develop positive relationships with the children. This promotes opportunities for the children to develop more confidence and settle in quickly into their new environment. Throughout the day the children engage in mixed aged play which also provides them with time to spend with other siblings and friends in the centre.
Being community based you can be assured that all funds raised stay within the centre. We aim to keep the fees at an affordable rate while also keeping our centre well maintained and resourced for families who attend the centre.

Philosophy & Mission

Bolton Point Child Care Centre Philosophy Our practice reflects early childhood learning theories including the works of Lev Vygotsky and the belief that educators and peer interactions are an essential part of the learning process. Scaffolding builds on existing knowledge and skills to enhance children’s learning and independence. A diverse curriculum means that children will experience learning and independence.
At Bolton Point Child Care we believe in:
Relationships between families, Educators and children create a sense of community within the centre. Family values, beliefs and involvement are encouraged and respected as these benefit our own understanding and support the family, educator, child relationship. Educators at the centre share skills and ideas and work together to as a team to ensure quality care for the children. Open communication is encouraged to create a sense of belonging.
Learning through play
Children are capable and resourceful individuals and have a strong sense of identity. We encourage learning through active participation. Our program provides opportunity for supporting all children to learn and discover through creating, problem solving, asking questions and extending on learning whilst still being fun and interest based.
Children's voice
We understand that the children’s voice is a valuable learning tool for children and educators and we use this in our curriculum and documentation within the centre. Educator’s use these as teachable moments as we develop the children’s knowledge and understanding.
Environments and Sustainability
The centre provides a supportive learning environment that has flexible spaces that are responsive to the interests and abilities of the children. We encourage and promote a sustainable future where we are able to develop environmental awareness and education with the children, families and Educators, providing opportunity to understand their responsibilities to care for the environment.

What We Offer
Bolton Point Child Care Centre offers a program based on The National The Early Years Learning Framework. Indoor and outdoor play opportunities are provided to the children daily allowing to develop fundamental skills and be involved in environmental sustainable practices including watering the plants using water from the water tank, feeding scraps to the worms and exploring their natural environment. The centre promotes a play based approach to learning which incorporates children’s interests and ideas.
Cherubs Room (0-2 years)
The Cherubs Room cares and educates 8 children 0-2 years of age .
Educators work closely with families to practice routines that have been established at home. There is a strong emphasis on developing relationships with children and making them feel safe and secure and becoming confident to explore their environment.
We provide continuity of care with educators in the room who focus on play based learning in a nurturing environment. Children are able to explore their environment and engage in a variety of play based experiences that incorporate sensory and exploratory activities.
Treasures Room (2-3 years)
The Treasures Room cares and educates 10 children 2-3 years of age.
During this age we understand that children begin to have a variety of new experiences that will foster their interest in learning. We endeavour to promote children’s independence within the room and work with families to develop their self help skills which include toilet training and becoming familiar with their own belongings.
Children’s interests are incorporated within the program with an emphasis on play based learning. This provides opportunities for the children to develop social skills and interactions with their peers along with problem solving, sharing and negotiating.
Preschool Room (3-5 years)
The Preschool Room cares and educates 24 children 3-5 years of age.
The Preschool Room program incorporates a routine that allows time for children to be involved in a variety of play based learning opportunities throughout the day. The room encourages an inclusive environment that provides children with life skills which include working together, problem solving and getting along skills.
As these are the years prior to starting school we promote a number of school readiness experiences that enhance their learning in numeracy and literacy including the use of Jolly Phonics. Children are also encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings and independence in preparation to starting school.
Children’s voice is a valued part of the program as we incorporate their interests and ideas in experiences offered in the room. Children and family inputs are encouraged through sharing an experience or bringing in something to show the children in the show and tell bag.
The centre is very family focused and each year we encourage parent participation with the centre. Each year we hold a number of family events at the centre including Mother’s Day and Father’s Day evenings and Grandparent week.
What Our Families are Saying